KEVIN WAGNER has added matches COE~Under 16 Female / COE Training, COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training and COE~Under 10-14 / COE Training
January 3, 2016
KEVIN WAGNER has edited matches COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training, COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training and COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training
January 3, 2016
KEVIN WAGNER has edited matches FUTSAL League~Male / Men's Team vs. C2, FUTSAL League~Male / Men's Team vs. C1 and 5 other matches
November 7, 2015
KEVIN WAGNER has edited matches COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training and COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training
November 4, 2015
KEVIN WAGNER has added matches Under 18 Female / LRUSP, COE~Under 16 Female / LRUSP and 6 other matches
November 1, 2015
KEVIN WAGNER has edited matches Under 19/Men's / LRUSP, COE~Under 16 Male / COE Training and 6 other matches
November 1, 2015